
Hi volleyball players and parents. Welcome to the Lake Placid Modified Volleyball Blog. On this page you will find our match schedule, practice schedule and a lot of other stuff about volleyball. Check out SCHEDULES AND STUFF and SKILL CLIPS on the right side of the page. I will also add updates when things change so check back from time to time. Coach Miller

Monday, September 21, 2015

Successful week

Hi team and parents,  We had a successful first week of matches last week.  On Thursday we won all 6 games against Saranac.  On Friday we won 5 and lost 3.  This week we start working on a 4-2 offense (4 hitters, 2 setters).  This will be confusing and at times frustrating for the girls, but it is the next step in the process.  Every team eventually has to make this transition from whacking the ball over to playing volleyball as a team.  We will have designated setters and hitters.  Players will be switching positions after the serve.  As always, we are working toward bump, set and spike. 

The girls have been working hard since August 24th.  On Wednesday we will take a well deserved rest.  No practice.