
Hi volleyball players and parents. Welcome to the Lake Placid Modified Volleyball Blog. On this page you will find our match schedule, practice schedule and a lot of other stuff about volleyball. Check out SCHEDULES AND STUFF and SKILL CLIPS on the right side of the page. I will also add updates when things change so check back from time to time. Coach Miller

Monday, September 26, 2016

Schedule change

Hi team and parents.  There has been a slight change to the game schedule.  Our game at Saranac Lake this Friday, September 30th has been change to a start time of 5:30.  The game will be played in the High School gym, not Petrova.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wednesday was our first match.  The team performed very well.  Serves were going in and we were passing the ball pretty well.  As a result we came away with a 6-0 win!  I am sending home a practice schedule for September with the girls today, so be looking for that at home.  The general plan is that we practice from 3:00-4:30 daily.  If the JV and Varsity have an away game, we practice until 5:00 to allow some extra time to set up and take down the nets.  When JV and Varsity have a home game we practice until 4:00.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome back to school.  Now that school has started we will be practicing daily starting at 3:00.  There have been some changes to the match schedule.  Please click on the link and check it out.  This afternoon we practice from 3:00-4:00.  The JV and Varsity have home matches today.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hi team.  I know most of you picked up the pre-season practice schedule.  If you didn't or maybe lost it, here is a reminder:

Friday 8/26, 8:00-9:30
Monday 8/29, 9:30-11:00
Tuesday 8/30, 9:30-11:00
Wednesday 8/31, no practice
Thursday 9/1, 3:00-4:30
Friday 9/2, 3:00-4:30
Monday 9/5, Labor Day, no practice
Tuesday 9/6, school starts 3:00-4:30

Once school starts we will practice daily after school.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

First practice

OK team.  We begin practice on Monday August 22.  We will practice from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.  Bring a water bottle and be ready to work hard.  Don't forget medical forms/athletic contract.  See you there!  Coach Miller

Thursday, June 9, 2016

New season coming up

Hi team,  Yesterday (Wednesday) we had our team meeting to start to get organized for next season.  Here are some things you need to know:
  • Practice starts Monday, August 22nd from 6:30-8:00 PM in the gym
  • You need to have the following complete in order to practice:
    • A physical within 12 months
    • The Athletic Health History and signed Athletic Contract (this is attached to the health history documents)
  • You can download the Athletic Health History documents from the school website sports page: http://lpmhs-lpds-ny.schoolloop.com/athletics